I’m headed to New Zealand! By myself! For a party!

When my friend messaged me the invite my first reaction was simple: “I have to go.” There really was no other option! A 3 day, epic party, in a warm and gorgeous location, with a ton of our mutual friends from around the globe. I really had no other choice but to go! :)

A little back story: My friend is from New Zealand and lives there with his partner and children, but we both lived in Beijing at the same time. He was my mentor, friend and eventually business partner.

I thought it would be a fun to tell you why I am off on this adventure & how it came to be.

A few of you know I lived in Beijing from ages 22-28. I landed there to do theatre and teach english and quickly became friends with a Kiwi who was opening a place called LUSH - cafe by day, bar by night. Soon all our friends were hanging out 24/7.

Lattes by day, cosmos by night (Cosmos, because I was deep into my Sex and The City obsession)!

After a few months of eating LUSH’s menu of burgers and fries, I asked: “If I taught the staff how to make salads and smoothies, would you add some healthier options to the menu?”

The answer was yes and I was offered the job of cafe manager. Soon after I bought into the biz via sweat equity, my entrepreneur spirit was sparked. Over the years, we opened a club, a pizza joint and ran epic events - including the first (and I believe the last) rave on the Great Wall of China. The friendships I formed were strong, unique and something I am immensely grateful for.

Super high highs, crazy low lows and a lifetime of stories in a 6 year span. I am so excited to be with these humans again! It’s people who know me really well but I rarely see. They were with me when I met Gaby, supported me when I moved from Beijing to NYC to be with him and came to our wedding to celebrate.

As a working mom of two, I am also super stoked to go travelling alone . . . to just get some time with meeeeee! I’m ready for the adventure of it all!!

I fly into Auckland (pictured above) and stay for a few days on my own to get used to the time change & explore the city. I’ve found a gym, a healthy grocery store, some hikes I want to do and stores I want to shop! After that, I hop on a ferry to Waikike (pictured below) to stay with my friends Skott & Alex who moved to NZ a few years ago as well. I’m excited for the chill days with Alex first - spending quality time with a bestie you love, who brings you joy, catching up on alllll the things . . . it’s one of life’s greatest gifts.

I’ll be sure to share some pics on videos on socials so follow along if you can @goodlifejuice.

Bon Voyage!!!!

PS - WHY ALONE?! When the invite came in, Gaby and I had already planned and booked some great vacations for 2025, so we couldn’t swing us both going. Gaby also has a solo trip planned to Spain in June to see his bestie. With both of us having friends (and for him, family) around the globe, sometimes solo trips just makes sense.

PPS - A few people asked how my hubby and kids will fare with me gone . . . Ummmm . . . I think Gaby is going to be amazing, but things will get missed, and I predict many tater tots will be consumed, but at ages 15 and 12, my boys are pretty self sufficient. And my amazing parents and brother will be hugely helpful as well.

PPS - And for those asking about the biz - Daniella, Liam and the team have it on lock. They are pros at this point.

XO, Andrea


PB & J Protein Bars
