5 Ways I’m Reducing Cortisol

From my Morning Routine, to Foods + Movement

Here’s what’s lighting me up and calming down!

It’s been a minutes since I wrote a blog post! It feels like there’s lots going on, and lots of changes to my health + wellness routines that I felt inspired to share. A few key changes really have helped lower my stress, and are contributing to me feeling incredible! And when I’m feeling good, I gotta share!

This big mood boost couldn’t have come at a better time. It’s that busy time of year where school is wrapping up, and year-end kid activities and projects are in full swing. My boys are finishing up grade 6 and 9 and are counting down the days till summer holidays. We leave for our annual trip to Hornby first thing in July, so the buzz and excitement has already taken grip of the family. With this nicer weather, we’ve been playing lots of back-yard sports in the evenings which makes me and hubby so happy, plus sunny evening strolls with the pooch. Having the energy to be active with my family in the evening is a huge gift.

If you’ve been around for a while, you’re probably used to me sharing that mental health and stress is something that effects me and I am on a constant mission to FEEL GOOD! It’s a huge part of why I started GLJ. Fueling my body with nutritious foods and juices have always been a cornerstone for helping me feel my best and I LOVE helping others feel the same.

That being said, nutritious foods and juices aren’t enough to round out a healthy mind and body, and now that I am 44 and am experiencing peri-menopausal symptoms, I really couldn’t afford not to be managing my stress and dialling in my nutrition to honour my changing body.

After a wild year of not feeling fully in control of my body, I made some changes, and am so so so happy and grateful that I’m feeling So. Much. Better!

Some of the recent changes have had a HUGE IMPACT on my daily JOY!!! I have more energy so am exercising way more. I am so much more balanced with my energy - and am no longer crashing in the afternoon. I’m way less stress and overwhelmed, giving me the energy to cook and plan and move more.

I love sharing what’s lighting me up with you, as so many of you in return reach out via email, come by the shop or stop me around town to then share your experience. I can’t tell you how much I love and appreciate that kind of connection. Talking about health and wellness fills my bucket so please, keep it coming!


RED LIGHT THERAPY MASK - Red light therapy is gaining huge popularity as studies show it works as an effective anti depressant for seasonal effective disorder - caused by a lack of sunlight, this is something us Vancouver Islanders know a lot about! It’s also supposed to help with collagen production and improving your skin’s structure, strength and elasticity (yes please!).

GUIDED MEDITATIONS - I do this in conjunction with wearing my red light therapy mask which creates a 10/10 experience! Lately I have loved listening to meditations for self love - also known as metta that I find on You Tube and Spotify. Just 10 minutes a day and I take weekends off. :)

DELAYED CAFFEINE - This is huge. This. Is. HUGE! If you do one thing, do this!

I was guilty of waking up, and heading straight to the coffee machine. A big jolt of caffeeine first thing! NOT what is optimal for my body and trying to calm my nervous system. As one of my big goals was to reduce cortisol, I knew this habit, had to go. Now that I’m off coffee first thing, my energy is way up! I enjoy a cup mid-morning or lunch time which is optimal for your cortisol.

HOT WATER WITH LEMON - It helps with hydration, digestion and gives your immune system a little boost. It’s also great for your skin and possibly helps assist with fighting hunger cravings.

EATING BEFORE EXERCISE - I typically get up at 5:00AM and am at the gym by 6. For years I was having a coffee and that’s it. My gut was not happy, but also I didn’t always have great energy at my work out, or would be crashing in the afternoon. Not any more!

It’s more of a morning nosh, not a meal - just a little something. I’ve been making protein balls, or have 1/2 of a Gladiator Protein Bat. I have more energy for my work-out and don’t crash in the afternoons any more - something I attest to this change. I enjoy it after my meditation like a yummy little reward!


I had an epiphany lately. I read an interview with a woman who said for years she loved to lift heavy weights, but recently found it was exhausting her so she switched to pilates - and her energy had drastically improved. It got me thinking: “Is lifting heavy right for me, right now?” I don’t think so. Not while I am trying to really calm my nervous system. It was putting too much stress on my body.

I downloaded the app “Ladder” and followed workouts from Coach Maia Henry - you can check her out on instagram @maiahenryfit. I’m totally obsessed! I have so much more energy! Its a mix of strength training and pilates - but the weights aren’t super heavy and the work outs are shorter. It really suits my current needs.

In my gut, I have always known that when I was doing pilates, yoga or lower impact workouts it was best for my personal alignment and physique, but I just LOVE so many other forms of exercise that it’s hard for me to stick with one thing for too long. Some lessons we have to keep learning over and over . . . and moving my body in a way that truly honours what I need in this exact moment is one of mine.

If what you’re doing is working, keep doing it!! If not, here’s to you finding what works best for YOU!


FERMENTED FOODS - Gut health is huge contributor to overall health, and fermented foods help with digestion and improved metabolism. Although I have never had digestion issues, I did want to give my metabolism a boost. Adding kefir to my morning smoothie and sourkrout to my lunches has been an easy habit to stick with.

COLLAGEN - It’s no secret I am a firm believer in the benefits of collagen. The hydrating effects it has on my skin are unmatched by any skin care product I use. The health of my hair and nails is game changing. Collagen helps with gut health, tissue repair, joint health and building muscle. This isn’t something new for me, but continues to be something I swear by.

PROTEIN - Our BFF when it comes to the maintenance, repair, replacement and rebuilding of muscle tissue. It’s important for our immune system and essential for keeping us strong, healthy and managing our weight. Plus it makes us feel full longer and can keep sugar cravings at bay. I want to feel STRONG + energized so prioritizing 100g per day is my sweet spot.

FOODS TO BALANCE ESTROGEN - ground flax added to my daily smoothie, lots of coniferous veg and fibre rich foods, berries, and bitter greens all are fantastic options. My morning smoothie recipe below is a great example of getting in some of everything, so check it out below!

UPPING NUTRIENTS - looking for little ways to add even more nourishment to my day has been fun and rewarding. Adding in things like hemp, flax and chia, to my meals along with fermented foods and eating seasonal produce helps ensure I’m getting everything I need to thrive.

For the same reason I am adding in more of the foods to help balance my hormones I am taking certain foods out.

Namely refined sugar, processed foods and really limiting alcohol. I have never been a big drinker, but all 3 of those items can give me a hang over the next day! I feel so good without them, so I am being incredibly mindful and choosy about when/if I choose to have them. I found when I was stressed and overwhelmed I was gravitating to crap I don’t normally eat, so getting them out of my diet has felt amazing.


aka a healthy and delicious smoothie that anyone and everyone can enjoy + benefit from!

WHAT YOU’LL NEED - makes 1

  • 2 cups spinach or baby kale

  • 1/2 cup frozen zucchini cubes

  • 1/2 cup frozen strawberries

  • 1 tbsp ground flax

  • 1tbsp hemp seeds

  • 1 tbsp good life collagen

  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder

  • 1 table raw cacao powder

  • 1 tbsp kefir

  • 1 tsp monk fruit sweetener

  • 1 or 1.5 cups cold water

Add everything to your blender and enjoy!

This recipe is a play on one I got from Lara Frendijan. If you’re a women looking to boost her metabolism and balance hormones I LOVE @nutritionherway - her knowledge is phenomenal and her tips are effective - check her out!


I’ve always looooooved a lot of sleep. Early to bed makes me a happy girl. Once a week I get in an 11-12 hour sleep . . . getting into my sheets feels like heaven every night!

My 11 year old and I have the same bed time and my teenager tucks me in every night (LOVE!). Lots of studies are now showing how much more sleep women need than men. It makes sense! All that thinking, doing, working, worrying, dancing, loving . . .it takes a lot of energy! Then the hormonal changes take a hold of us and we need even more! I find myself getting about 7 hours during the week which is shy of what I need so probably twice a week I then can sleep like 11-12 hours in one go! My goal is to more consistently get the 8-9 per night my body craves.


Easier said then done, I get it! In a recent episode of the GOOP podcast, Gwenyth was interviewing a hormone specialist. The doctor broke down women’s ages into 5 categories and gave their hormone stage a name. For women in my age group it was Super Heroes. (My ego liked that!). She talked about how so many of us are at a stage in our lives where our careers are becoming more demanding, while caring for children and running a household. Perhaps we are now caring for aging or ailing parents or loved ones. And on top of that are hormones are working against us!!! We are creating more cortisol (hello stress) and less serotonin, the brain chemical that promotes feelings of well-being and happiness. Couple that with falling estrogen and progesterone levels it means more irritability, and mood swings. So yeah. I can attest to alllll the things. Hence my need to really make some non negiotables when it comes to reducing my stress to help my system out! So if you are feeling overwhelmed, or that your metabolism has changed, and you’re intuition is screaming to make a change, then do it!!! The rewards are incredible!

Here’s a few of my fav habits

  • My morning routine of meditation and red light therapy

  • Delaying caffeine and keeping it minimal during the day

  • Avoiding refined sugars, processed foods and alcohol which are inflammatory stressors on the body

  • When I feel upset and stressed, going for a short walk, or even a short drive and focussing on deep breaths

  • Get in nature more often

  • No stressful high impact workouts

  • Therapy!! I upped it to bi-weekly sessions for a few months and dealt with some shizzzzz.

  • Prioritizing time with bestie to talk out problems but also keep me laughing!

  • Practicing gratitude

  • Giving yourself grace and compassion - this adulting shiz is hard!

  • Lots and lots of sleep

  • Avoiding stressful situations and people when I can

  • Hire a coach if it’s in your budget. A business coach, health coach, accountability coach, hormone specialist . . .which one area could you use support with. Doing all the things on your own is hard!

Thanks for reading my friend!

Xo, Andrea


Benefits Of Green Juice On An Empty Stomach


Vitamins & Supplements