Don’t Think - Just Drink

My Juice Cleansing Philosophy

For an easy, care-free experience.

Just now a friend and customer was in the shop. She told me that despite all the years she has been a regular customer, she has never done a cleanse, but she felt like the time was coming . . . she was just a little nervous. Little did she know it was actually perfect timing! Our Spring Cleanse sale launches May 28th (27th for subscribers). When I mentioned that, along with the fact I’ll be doing one next week as well, it gave her the boost she needed.

Her next question was if she should plan to eat or just drink juice. As soon as I told her my plan, she asked if I would be including a blog post with the sale as she finds them really helpful (thanks Kelly!) . . . I hadn’t planned on it, but here I am!

I wanted to share the 2 main take aways and my personal approach to juice cleansing.

First is that, despite doing a juice cleanse 2-3 times a year for almost 10 years, I still get nervous leading up to it despite never having anything to be nervous about! It’s just human nature. Secondly, we chatted why I prefer a liquid only cleanse over one with food.


but you have nothing to worry about!

I always get a little nervous or hesitant leading up to it. . .or maybe it’s more I just love food so much I’m feeling bummed about the thought of going with out (Normal!). It’s weird as I have only ever had mazing experiuences, but I wanted to share that as I bet a lot of you can relate. Without fail, each cleanse feel miraculously GOOD! I feel so energised and amazing and am blown away by how much I love the juices and nut milks - I swear they taste even better on a cleanse!

The 3 worries I hear the most about, are not worries I personally experience but think it’s important to share. First is poopies. Will you be running to the bathroom?! Probably just to pee cause you are drinking so much liquid!!! Sometimes, midway through day 2, when your body’s natural detox rhtyms kick in, it can cause you to have some loose stool poops. But it is really rare that it feel urgent at all. Honestly, it kind of feels good to feel like you are cleansing and relissing gunk that’s been in there for a while. You are still pooping on Day 3 of eating no food which goes to show why a juice cleanse does such a good jobn of cleaning you out.

Next is hunger. Most people are shocked to discover they weren;t even hungry! We hear that a lot. The human body is pretty amazing when it comes to liquid fasting, and how well it can do when simply hydrated. Add in all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals you are consuming and you will probably feel like you are thriving not depriving! If you do need a nosh, have one! Aim for healthy fats like avocado or nut butters and don’t stress it. Your results will still be just as awesome.

If you plan to work out on your cleanse, I highly recomend turning your juice folloowing your workout into a protein smoothie by adding some protein powder, and if you like a little fruit, veg, or healthy fats. Adding ice and a scoop of protein powder to a nut milk is another great option!

When you work out you are going to increase your hunger cues - and the goal is nourishment not depriving yourself so cater the experience to YOU!


Why I prefer a liquid only cleanse

When my friend came in yesterday and asked if I typically like to do a juice + food cleanse, my reply was that I prefer not to think, and just to drink!!! It’s such a gift not to have to plan or cook my meals for 3 days!!! I love that side of things. My personality is such that if I am having food at night (like our 1/2 Day Juice Till Dinner Cleanse) I am more likely to have random snacks or bites of my kids foods mindlessly. I like the mentality of a juice-only cleanse cause all I have to do is grab my next juice and not think about what I should eat. It feel so easy, and I feel SO GOOD.

Plan for Nourishment

and layer on the self care!

I want to encourage you to think back to when your mental health felt it’s best - to some really joyful times. What were you doing that you could incorporate during your cleanse? Were you meditating, journalling or taking nature walks? Had you done a cold plunge in the ocean or sat in the sunshine and read a book? Whatever acts of self care you can layer on is such an added gift of a juice cleanse and soemthing I always plan for. Even the simple acts of having a clean home and giving myself a facial just get me that that higher state of living!

We’re here to help!

Email me and the nutrition team at if you have any questions or come see me in the shop anytime.

XO, Andrea


Plant Power Salad with Miso Dressing


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