Do Less - My Summer Motto

“Doing less seems like it takes a lot of discipline” My husband said to me the other day as we chatted about my quest to do less. I am really into the idea that reaching big goals takes discipline more than motivation and Gabe + I have been talking about it a lot. That, and how “Doing Less” has kind of morphed into “Doing More” in some areas so I can do less in others.

I had already set the summer intention of doing less when 4 weeks ago, I sprained my ankle. Doing less came earlier than I had predicted! My plan to do less was originally focused on doing less work (online and at the kitchen). But my injury forced me to do less in even more areas of my life (primarily in the physical department).

The experience has forced me to create new habits that are going to continue to serve me long after my ankle heals.

The trauma of the sprain (an old injury) made everything tighten up - and those tight muscles led to more problems and pain. What I kept hearing from various body workers (chiro, massage, physio, needles - you name it) was all the same - my body was TIGHT. I was wound up tight tight tight! It’s no surprise if you know me . . . I work hard, I exercise hard, and I thrive when i am busy.

But deciding to do less has opened my eyes. Doing less is leading to more joy.

The take away those first few weeks of pain was that I needed deep relaxation to heal. I needed to go beyond just stretching or yoga - I needed to heal more than the sprain. What I needed, as my friend Lynne at Solace Wellness said to me, was this:

“Andrea, don’t just go to yoga and stretch - I want you to go to outer space.”

I needed to let the deepest muscles of my body let go and relax.

And just as I was leaving, she reminded that whatever it was I thought I was striving for, I was already there. The combination of those two nuggets of wisdom was just what I needed to hear. So in the case you are in the same boat - for any out there striving, pushing, and going hard at the expense of your physical, mental or emotional well being . . .

I’m here to remind you - it’s time to take a break and be cool with where you are at.

Practicing contentment with what you have and where you are is

one of the surest paths to joy .

Coming back to yoga, stretching and meditation has brought me so much joy. (Along with pain relief)!! It has helped me slow down, helped me recognize when I am rushing for no reason, and shifted my priorities - really opened my eyes to how I had become addicted to being busy. (Bleh, no thank you)!

Here’s what I have stopped doing:

  • I deleted my personal instagram page - I was wasting time and the algorithm was showing me things that weren’t serving me.

  • My marketing team and I made a commitment to post less. This helps free up some of my time to focus on other aspects of running the biz and a gets me off social media even more.

  • Working as much. My team stepped up and took on more responsibilities at work and are totally crushing it. (Go team)!

  • I took a total break from HIIT style work outs, and any workouts with bouncing and jumping, and will avoid those along with running all summer long. (Easier said than done as I LOVE the endorphin rush those give me - but the cortisol and injuries can’t get pushed aside any longer).

  • I dropped my strength training from 4 days to 2 days and warming up properly, and stretching afterwards to prevent me from getting too tight.

Here’s what I am doing more of:

  • Yoga. After a few years not practicing much I am loving YIN (laying around and stretching - deep release)

  • Reading and relaxing . . . being ok with doing absolutely nothing. (Plus, getting the family in on the action).

  • Dialling in my nutrition. With less exercise on the horizon I wanted to ensure I still felt energized, strong, and confident in my body. (A Classic Greens for a snack and a Thai Zuccini Salad have been on repeat)!

  • I got back into meditating most days. (I prefer unguided meditations as I like the quiet).

  • I set up a cozy spot in my house to do restorative yoga poses. On the days I don’t go to yoga I commit time to relax and allow my muscle to deeply release.

  • Keeping strong with planning meals and meal prep. More work at the start, but less during the week and at dinner time which frees up more time to relax and hang with the kids before dinner. (I also really like to meditate late afternoon).

XO, Andrea


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GLJ is 8!